Need additional functionality?
No problem! MX Merchant’s
Marketplace gives you the power
to choose! Customize your
payments platform to fit your
specific business needs by
downloading and installing our
feature rich product apps:
Our comprehensive API makes
building any application, from a
marketplace to a mobile payment
app, effortless.
The B2B Payments App ensures
that Purchasing and Corporate
card payment data is passed
correctly in order to qualify at an
optimal Level 2 and Level 3
interchange rate.
With MX Invoice you can quickly
invoice your customers, track
statuses, and view the history of
each invoice. Accepting credit
card payments through the
invoice app provides your
customers with an easier way to
pay, in turn making collecting
funds smooth and simple.
Why stop at credit cards? Cut out
the middleman and collect even
more with our integrated ACH
processing platform. ACH.COM
gives you the most cost efficient
electronic transactions for your
business and allows you to easily
streamline your accounting